Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I was over dylanmcb blog, right clicking and saving most of the images there, when I read a post about how obama was not a superhero, here was my comment.

"From what I've heard is that Obama is a magical genie from Arabia, he was summoned by the will of the American public to make America the top dog again, unfortunatley, this is not a land of rosy-cheeked fairy tales, this is real life, In fairy tales, when the story ends, everyone lives happily ever after, however Obama isn't a magical creature from the world of wizardry , he's just a normal person that people, Obama used magic words like "hope" and "change" to attract voters, Obama simply told everyone what they wanted to hear, that change would happen to America and all of the sudden, Obama is hailed as the chose one, the one to save the sinking ship named America, but when people that Obama isn't a magical genie, they turn cynical, like rats escaping from a sinking ship they wondered why they voted for Obama in the first place if they couldn't get immediate results, and just like the former president Bush after a successful campaign,then a short honeymoon, the american public starts to have their doubts about there new leader, following the realization that the new president is in fact not a messiah, approval ratings drop, citizens grow less content with the new leader and people wonder why they voted for the new president in the first place, add a political scandals, unneeded bills and laws and/or a love affair, and you have yourself a dissatisfied public. In the end, I suppose its our fault, we a elect our leaders in the first place."

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Torture? In my CIA? It's more likely then you think

A certain attorney general is not satisfied with the way the CIA runs things, According to the attorney general Eric Holder they are going to"iinvestigate alleged CIA abuses committed during the interrogation of terrorism suspect." Eric Holder is doing a pretty good job making sure that even prisoners won't be tortured for information, but personally I don't see the logic. Why do you capture prisoners and not kill them? Most likely, you either want to use them as a hostage, you want information or maybe you just want a new friend. In this case you're probably aiming for choice number 2, Information, now lets say, you have a uncooperative prisoner you want him to tell you info and he refuses, you beg him, you cajole him, you offer him a plate of your mother's Delicious homemade cookies, He knocks your cookies to the floor. Seeing your mother's cookies soiled you smack the prisoner across the face, and to your surprise he starts spilling secrets.

But then again, torture isn't a good way to get information the tortured will usually crack under pressure and tell the torture want they want to hear, and not necessarily the truth,
"Officials who have firsthand knowledge of the interrogation files contend that criminal convictions will be difficult to obtain because the quality of evidence is poor and the legal underpinnings have never been tested."

I don't really agree with eric holder, but I think this is the right thing to do